Suppliers are one of the most critical links in the automotive ecosystem. Supply chain is critical to operational success, leading to achievement of organisational objectives.
This collaborative success depends on the work relationships built and maintained over a period of time. Spark Minda constantly optimises it through efficient raw material sourcing and prudent inventory management.
Special capsules like Zero Defect Initiative, frequent supplier meets cement the relationship and align our objectives with the suppliers’. These proactive initiatives lead to improvement in quality, cost, delivery, and overall performance. We go beyond traditional procurement activities and include supplier selection, supplier development, and supplier performance management.
Spark Minda is moving towards sustainable manufacturing, together. Ensuring compliance obligations with all applicable environment, labour and legal regulations and requirements including customer specific requirements; continually exploring and implementing initiatives that support water positivity, carbon neutrality as well as zero waste to landfill; We collaborate with supply chain partners to actively promote environment stewardship and social responsibility.
Localization is paramount to Spark Minda’s sourcing strategy. The company is procuring goods and services from local suppliers (regional) which include large, mid-size and small-scale industries which meet our criteria of QCDDS. The SQA or Supplier Quality Assurance team works along with supplier partners to improve the capability & quality.
They grow. We grow. Spark Minda empowers the suppliers to continually improve and ensure that our solutions and products delivered to customers exceed their expectations are some of our conscious initiatives we take in order to stand by our commitment and philosophy. Their resilience and adaptability to innovation that Spark Minda drives helps us achieve common goals and growth objectives.
Suppliers Portal